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Posted June 9, 2024 at 8:02 pm

hi everyone! it's been a while since i posted last. sorry about the lengthy delays, but i'm going to try to get at least two of these blog posts/studio updates/journals out every month from now on. i want to take you through how the writing is going, any other projects i'm working on, and maybe talk a little about my studio practice (if anyone wants to hear about that?). let me know what you'd like to hear about!

now, last time i said i was ready to start radio lunarn. i was wrong. wrong.com.au.gov.org.edu. i am not ready! but i am writing!!! despite everything!

i'm dramatically shifting my narrative focus (again), but the core world concept and vibe haven't changed since i last shared it. now it looks less like the wire and moving into scandi noir territory. basically it got really overcomplicated and writing was very frustrating because i had so many disparate ideas that just wouldn't congeal. there's still a healthy dose of sci-fantasy with paranormal elements, and the setting is still the same with a soviet space colony. i might do a worldbuilding post a little later - it might help me organise my thoughts as well. if you're reading this, tell me: did you want to hear about the world or the characters first?

Tags: blog